Client success at Adido is a foundation of all the work we do. There would be no agency without clients. It may sound simple; you need to be successful for your clients, or they won’t continue to work with you. But it is not solely about delivering just the numbers and targets. So, what does client success look like at Adido?
Previously I wrote about the difference between client service and client success, which you can read here.
This article will focus on what exactly client success looks like at Adido. Though a key indicator for any Account Manager, Account Exec or even Account Director, client success is achieved by every single member of the agency pulling in the same direction. One of our key values is ‘Care.' Our values are something I have spoken about previously but we live and breathe these values in everything we do, and caring is a vital cog in the machine that enables client success. If we didn’t care about what we did, we wouldn’t have been as successful as we have been (did I mention we are an award-winning agency?)
What is client success?
Well, as I mentioned this is more than just hitting targets. First and foremost is starts from within the agency. Recently we had a company away day, where we reviewed the past 12 months, we discussed what has worked well, what hasn’t worked so well and where we could improve as an agency.
We are not afraid of admitting where we need to improve and of course, our clients form a key part of that.
Getting the team together is a chance to share thoughts around a table, bouncing ideas back and forth, something we haven’t been able to do so easily in the last 2 years.
We were lucky to have two keynote speakers, focusing on ‘communication & team working’ and ‘wellbeing & burnout’. Though clients were not directly involved in the away day, the actions, thoughts, and results of such away days will help to service our clients, which is why it is so important to communicate within the agency and share our curiosity and commercial nature (we also threw axes, but not at each other!)

Client success is the combined strategy and attitude Adido undertakes, so all our clients can be as successful as possible. Proactively working in partnership with clients, helping to deliver maximum value.
However, this doesn’t happen by chance. For clients to succeed, everyone in the team, needs to be focused on delivering that success.
This starts with our curious nature. We want to understand as much as we possibly can about our clients, really getting under the skin of how they operate.
- What are their targets?
- Who is their key audience?
- What seasonality occurs?
- Who is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, points of contact? Each may offer a different perspective on what they are aiming to achieve. How do they like to see data displayed? Etc.
As you can imagine, the list of questions are almost endless, but vitally important.
Only by knowing and understanding these points can we work in a seamless partnership from day one. There are so many other things that play into client success, all of which need to be working in unison for client success to be delivered.
I have highlighted just a few examples below.
- Honesty - First and foremost, after asking the millions of questions we like to ask, when speaking to a new client, we want to be upfront and honest (another one of our values is being ‘candid’). We will challenge targets and strategies in an honest way. If something does not look feasible, based on the research and data, we will let you know. We pride ourselves on being an extension to our clients' team and will always provide feedback. After all, clients come to an agency to get that expert opinion, which leads me onto my next point.
- Access to experts - One thing we pride ourselves on at Adido is making sure clients get access to our experts. We don’t introduce them at the start, then hide them behind a curtain (they are far too good for that). Clients will always have access to our experts, in calls, meetings, reports and general updates. This is so important because as experts, they have the knowledge. As an Account Manager, I know a little about a lot of different things, but if you have a specific SEO or PPC question, you can get the answer from an SEO or PPC expert.
- Foresight and industry knowledge - We love what we do, digital is our passion, and we like to keep our finger on the pulse. By keeping up to date with the ever-changing world of digital, we can provide proactive insights that could affect our clients' marketing strategies. Heard of GA4? Well, we recently provided a free webinar all about analytics, GA4 and potential alternatives. This is available to watch here
- Consistent updates - Clients understandably, are keen to know what’s happening. Sometimes agencies can forget that clients don't see what's happening day to day, their visibility comes from the updates we share with them. It is vital clients are kept up to date. We do this by making sure we have regular and structured communications with clients. Whether this is a phone call, a video meeting, or in person meetings. We have weekly calls, for more day-to-day items; monthly meetings to discuss the previous month overall; and then quarterly, 6 month or 12 months reviews, to discuss much higher-level strategy items.
Why client success is fundamental to what we do at Adido
Client success, is of course, success for the client, but this also means it's success for the agency!
If the client is happy, we are happy, and we take a lot of pride in what we do, so we take a lot of joy in those successes.
A long story short, client success is fundamental to what we do at Adido, because, as I mentioned at the start of the article, without clients, there would be no agency.
By being successful for our clients, they continue to work with us, they provide testimonials, and leave positive reviews. All of these things are because our clients receive an unparalleled experience which can lead to untold successes (just check out some of our previous work).
By doing all the above and providing value to clients, it demonstrates our position as a results driven agency that cares. These are just a few of the huge range of benefits to having great client care at the heart of our service.