The Solution
A brand new website built on MODX CMS and a host of digital tools
From the outset it was chosen for its great functionality, flexibility and security as well as its creative freedom. Over the past few years the site has had iterative updates to improve the registration process, as well as upgrades and additions to its online tools including the Activity Finder, Habit Hacker and My LiveWell user portal.

A gamification concept was born after general awareness advertising
The original groundswell marketing in year 1 tapped into general awareness advertising across search, display and social media and helped to drive a steady stream of traffic and registrations to the site which exceeded target by 50%. However in year 2 we felt we needed to venture further afield and test new platforms and introduce some behavioural science into our execution to connect with the hard to reach.
Thinking about male pride, keeping up with the Jones’s and how we’re living in a society where gamification with fitness and Buzzfeed style tests are commonplace, we felt social proofing combined with a quiz style approach would be a strong hook. And so, the Are You Living Well? (AYLW) campaign was born.
The Are you living well? quiz, hosted on the website, is a series of questions aligned to LiveWell Dorset’s four pathways, which offer an easy introduction to the registration process, as well as offering insight into how healthy the user is in comparison to other MyLive Well residents in Dorset, and more specifically their local area.
It encourages competitiveness, and offers a light-hearted way to engage with a dis-engaged audience. To improve the impact of the results, as per social proofing and the need for relevancy, we offered the results in postcode areas so that the user could compare their results with their neighbourhood. These results also offered stats into how many people in the local area LiveWell Dorset has been helping.
The quiz was amplified across social media, display ads and for the first time Spotify to maximise distribution across the county. It was supported by a robust organic search strategy and paid search strategy to ensure that LiveWell Dorset was only one-click away from someone inspired by the campaign.

The Results
More than healthy results
When the brief came in, we were confident we could exceed the 4k new registrations target, and pushed ourselves to deliver 50% on top of that.
Through the digital channel mix, improvements to the registration form process, and with the help of the AYLW campaign we achieved a 95% increase in digital registrations year-on-year. Overall the percentage of registrants residing in the top fifth most deprived communities was back up to 25%.
The AYLW campaign saw over 12,800 quiz completions, and became the second most visited page on the site during the campaign promotion period.
Even after the campaign ceased promotion, the quiz still receives over 100 completions per month and offers a helpful, relevant and share-worthy way for LiveWell Dorset to educate and inspire behaviour change.